Friday, May 29, 2020

Writing High-Performance .NET Code

Writing High-Performance .NET Code

About the Author

Ben Watson has been a software engineer at Microsoft since 2008. On the Bing platform team, he has built one of the world’s leading .NET-based, high-performance server applications, handling high-volume, low-latency requests across thousands of machines for millions of customers. In his spare time, he enjoys geocaching, books of all kinds, classical music, and spending time with his wife Leticia and daughter Emma. He is also the author of the book C# 4.0 How-To, published by Sams.


Thank you to my friend and technical editor Mike Magruder for his invaluable feedback on this book, and more importantly, for his three years of mentorship at Microsoft that changed my career. This has made me a hundred times the engineer I was.

I also owe a big thank you to Maoni Stephens for her in-depth guidance and feedback about the garbage collector. Thank you as well to Abhinaba Basu for information about the CLR on Windows Phone, and Brian Rasmussen for feedback on a number of topics.

I would not have started this book without a random conversation with my brother-in-law James Adams that got me thinking about actually writing a book like this. Thanks to my editors, my dad Michael Watson and my wife Leticia for their many hours of reading and rereading of the drafts.

Very special thanks to Leticia and our daughter Emma who supported many hours of absence while I worked on this book. I could not have done this without your support and encouragement

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