Friday, May 29, 2020

Bootstrap By Example

Master Bootstrap 4's frontend framework and build your websites faster than ever before


Frontend development can be separated into two eras, before Bootstrap and after Bootstrap. In 2011, the greatest frontend framework ever was released. Also, in the same year, the adoption and use of the framework grew in great numbers, reaching almost every segment of the market. The reason of this is as follows: imagine how painful it was to create a simple, nice button, for instance. You had to declare a lot of classes and styles in your code. This was the foresee of Bootstrap, created by some developers from Twitter. The framework was a paradigm change for developing a fast-paced web page frontend. The greatness of Bootstrap lies in three aspects.

 The first is the style sheet, which contains some basic CSS for almost every HTML element in a uniform and beauty way. The second aspect is the components. They can be reused by just copying and pasting code. The last aspect is the JavaScript plugin, which includes some very common additional elements that cannot be found elsewhere. Take a deep dive into the Bootstrap frontend framework with the help of examples that will illustrate the usage of each element and component in a proper way. By seeing examples,

you will get a better understanding of what is happening and where you want to reach. During the book, along the examples, you will be able to nail the framework and develop some very common examples using Bootstrap. These are a landing page, a web application, and a dashboard, which is desired by 10 out 10 web developers.

You will face these kind of page countless number of times during your life as a developer, and you will do that using Bootstrap at its finest, including component customizations, animations, event handling, and external library integration

About the Author 

Silvio Moreto is a developer with more than 7 years of experience with frontend technologies and has created many websites and web applications using the Bootstrap framework. From simple pages to complex ones, he has always used the Bootstrap framework. Silvio is also the creator of the bootstrap-select plugin (http://silviomoreto., which is a very popular plugin among the community.

It is for replacing a selected element by a Bootstrap button drop-down element. Silvio foresaw that a plugin like this one was missing in the original framework, and it could be useful for the community. So he created the plugin, and the community helps him maintain it.

 Besides this, he is very active in the open source community, participating in some open source repository and issue communities, such as Stack Overflow. Also, he finished third in the worldwide Django Dash 2013 challenge.

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